Whether you are getting into the fitness world or restarting your journey there are always essentials for working out that make sense to always have on hand. This list has 11 easy-to-find gym kit essentials that are great for the fitness beginner.
When I first started lemonade + adventure, I wanted it to be a space where I spoke on my weight loss journey, the delicious foods I was eating to help with it, and the places I was traveling to.
But fate had other plans and I found myself yearning to help women with their self-confidence instead. Yet I needed to figure out how to show that in a practical sense – so I started to rewrite some posts as a means to connect everything together.
This post is one of them.
Over the next year, I have challenged myself to lose a lot of body fat (70 pounds in fact).
I decided to do that for my health and to boost my self-confidence as it has been pretty lackluster as of late.
However, because this is a journey I know that others may be taking and this is my real-life example of self-confidence transformation, I wanted to make sure that whatever I did I documented it for others.
While this may be unconventional, I believe that knowing where to start is just as important as what to start with. Therefore, I wrote this for the woman who feels beaten and needs a tangible place to start whether with her weight loss or with anything else.
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Table of Adventures
1 // Reusable Water Bottle
There will never be a day where you’re working out and you don’t need to hydrate yourself.
Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water with the heart and brain composing 73% of water. If you’d like your organs to function well while doing a workout, I suggest you drink some water and often.
Drinking water is the most important aspect of your workout as you lose water through sweat and heavy breathing. It’s important you replenish all of what you lose and it’s important to do it using a reusable water bottle.
My philosophy on water bottles I purchase: large enough to last the entire workout, fairly durable (I drop things all the time), and if it’s insulated the better (although that’s not a deal-breaker by any means).
To add: I wanted to mention that if you’ll be using protein powders after working out, a shaker bottle could come in handy if you’re coming directly from the gym. If you’re at home though you can use a small whisk in your cup and it effectively does the same thing.

Related: The Guide to Beginner Fitness: FAQ
2 // Workout Shoes
Don’t work out in Crocs. Or flip-flops. Or high heels. You’ll hate yourself.
Get yourself a pair of reliable sneakers or running shoes that can keep pace with your new workout life. You want comfort and support, especially when you’re putting more pressure on your ankles doing squats, lunges, cardio, etc.
So get some good shoes and take care of them. You’ll thank yourself.
How to Pick the Right Workout Shoes for Your Feet
If you’re planning on starting a running routine, I 100% believe that seeing a running store specialist is the way to go. They’re able to tell you how you walk, and how high your arches are, where on your feet you carry the most weight, etc.
Rich over at Rich Moy Runs has a wonderful article on how you can keep yourself from spending a ton on specialized running shoes.
Check out his page as a good pair of shoes doesn’t need to cost you an arm, a leg, and a butt cheek. Consider this an investment, because you aren’t going to want to work out if your feet are killing you, and that lack of motivation can hold you back.

3 // Notebook/Journal
Personally? I can’t use my phone to document my workout, not permanently anyway.
However, if that is something that works for you then by all means – go for it, but you need to record your progress to see what is working for you.
As for me, I enjoy writing it down and so that means grabbing a notebook or journal to keep track of what I did daily.
I say daily because that can also include what you ate and the low-intensity workouts for the day like walking for 30 minutes (just so you see patterns and what works and how you can change things up).

There are many ways to record your progress: using a regular composition book, bullet journaling, using MyFitnessPal, using the Notes app on your phone, or buying a fitness journal. Heck, there are downloadable fitness worksheets that you can print and fill out, so you can find out what works for you.
When I lost 27 lbs the first time around, I recorded pretty much everything that I could: my food intake, where I worked out, what my workouts were, and how long I worked out. I even wrote down how I felt after each workout.
Later on, my notebook was an absolute lifesaver and a wonderful way to see my progress over the time since I had started.
Related: 9 Secrets to Start Working Out Without Feeling Overwhelmed
4 // A Watch
I’m not telling you to get a smart fitness watch. I mean, if you want to, sure (I’ve linked the one I use below if you want one). What I mean is a literal watch that you slap onto your wrist to keep track of time.
You are going to need a way to track how long you’ve been doing specific workouts and how long you’ve been giving yourself a break in between sets.
Personally, I can’t use my phone as a clock. I like listening to music and zoning out as I’m running and working out, so I don’t really want to have to keep checking my phone to keep track of the time.

There’s also the problem that I’m going to stop if I get a message and end up on so-and-so’s social media instead of working out, so…I have a problem with that, so it’s just easier if have a watch handy to make sure that I keep going for the entire time.
If you’re anything like me, it’s important to find your distraction points and minimize them as much as possible.
5 // Comfortable Workout Clothing
Comfortability is the name of the game when working out.
You’re already going to be uncomfortable coming into this wild new period of your life. Then why would you want to risk being in stiff clothing with little to no flexibility in your movement?
I promise you: doing lunges in jeans isn’t fun.
Just don’t do it.
You’ll tear a hole in them, and I will laugh at you.
Rather buy clothes specifically made to wick moisture and to move with you when you’re doing squats and running. Think non-see-through leggings, underwear, and shorts that won’t ride up, and quality socks that don’t leave your toes swimming in sweat.

6 // Workout Bra
Speaking of comfort, buying a supportive workout bra is incredibly important.
Take it from me – buy the correct level of support you need to get through an intense workout if you have any semblance of breasts. There are three supports: compression, encapsulation, and encapsulation-compression bras.
Basically, it’s like light, medium, and high support but it differs based on breast size and they come in a variety of styles.

If I were climbing a light compression bra is fine, but if I’m running, doing jump rope, or squat jumps, these jubblies need to be surrounding and smooshed. 😂
Related: Still Struggling to Start Your Fitness Journey? Try This!
7 // Food Scale
You like to eat, right?
Yeah, me too.

Turns out that while doing this weight loss thing, it’s best you stick to sensible eating habits. I know. It can suck. However, a food scale can make life a lot easier.
Our bodies are currently trained to eat more than we need to and with a food scale, you can get a better gauge on the portions you should be eating, rather than how much you’re used to eating.
Food scales are inexpensive and they’ll save you so much time and heartache down the road. The nice thing about them is that if you’re trying to create foods done in the metric system (c’mon America, get with the times please) scales can easily go between the imperial and metric systems easily.

8 // Weight Scale
If you’re taking this journey seriously, you’ll need to track your actual weight loss. There’s a crazy amount of scales on the market, but I would highly recommend finding a scale that does a whole lot more.
Find a scale that tracks your weight, your muscle mass, your body fat percentage, and the amount of water in your body.
Your worst enemy is yourself with your scale, so weigh yourself once a week, on the same day, and at the same time. The best time is in the morning after you pee, but before you eat your breakfast.
Weighing yourself keeps you on track, keeps you honest, and keeps you accountable.

9 // Gym Bag
A dedicated bag meant solely for all the items that you need to bring with you to the gym.
My bag always had a change of clothes when I was still working in the office and a clean bra while other bras were being washed. It also had a water bottle in it because I was notoriously leaving the one I used the day before on the kitchen counter.
Go figure.
You can even put your protein powder in it (which wasn’t listed here because I don’t believe it’s a necessity when you’re starting out) so you won’t be without it.

Related: 30+ Winter Hobbies to Be Excited About
10 // Pads/Tampons
Ladies, it’s so important to have feminine care products on you in the event that Carrie comes knocking on your door mid-workout. It’s a real pain when you think you’re fine and the next minute you’re mid-squat and feel the floodgates opening and you have to go home.
So keep ‘em nearby and you should be fine.
11 // Chapstick
My lips get chapped easily when I’m on the treadmill so I carry a tube of chapstick with me to every machine I go to.
I just don’t want to be standing around huffing and puffing and feeling like my lips are drying out at the same time. It’s uncomfortable. I keep one in my gym bag or if I’m going really light for the day and I have leggings with pockets with them, I put them there (or in my bra because welp).
Bonus: Accountability Partner

You’ll want to have an accountability partner.
You’re going to be frustrated a lot during the next year and if you want to stay on track, you need someone reliable to help you along.
Don’t just pick anyone to be your person. Your mom may not be the best person for it. Heck, even your best friend may be trash at keeping you accountable.
Make sure you find someone who will have your best interests in mind and who will actually hold you accountable if they need to. They’ll keep you on your best behavior.
Conclusion to Womens Gym Bag Essentials
It’s that simple. Don’t try to overextend yourself on the front end. Over time you’ll acquire more items like kettlebells, resistance bands, things like that, but these are essentials. They’ll stand with you against the test of time.
What are some weight loss items that you deem essential that weren’t listed here?
Read More Examples in Personal Development:
I Have One Year to Lose 70 Pounds: Challenge
The Guide to Beginner Fitness: FAQ
Yep, I have all of these! Well, I have the apple watch and use their fitness programs so that covers the tracking and watch all in one. My husband is my accountability partner and we work out together every weekday morning before the kids even wake up for school. Almost a year ago now, I bought a pair of sneakers just to keep inside for our workouts because I don’t like shoes in the house and wouldn’t wear my “outside” shoes for workouts if I was in the living room. They live by my yoga mat and weights now.
That’s a genius idea for people who don’t like shoes in the house – buy workout shoes that are meant for indoors. I find that a lot of people want to have smartwatches, but it can be a hindrance monetarily, but I agree that the Apple Watch is a wonderful two-in-one if you’re OK with looking at your phone for all of your information. I like both my book and the digital options of tracking. Thanks for your insight, Stephanie. 🙂
What an awesome list for those who want to start a new fitness program. I think the most important on this list is the accountability partner. Maybe it is just me but it is someone who I need to encourage me and check in my process.
I’m surprised I even had it as a bonus and not in the actual list, but, I think people sometimes forget the accountability partner and I felt like it stressed it more being at the end. Hopefully, L + A can be an accountability partner of sorts. See you soon!
Absolutely! These are such great items to motivate you too! Love a good fun water bottle
I’m obsessed with water bottles, Neely. 😭🥲 I’ve got an entire cabinet filled with them for all sorts of occasions. They come in handy for everything!
yesssss!!! And the will to start and to keep on doing regardless of how busy the person is….Great list.
Oh, great addition! It’s totally true. Once you get busy sometimes working out can take a seat in the back if it’s not a priority, but we need to make health + fitness a priority if we want to lead healthy lives.