If you’re looking for ways to change the trajectory of your life, implementing new habits that improve your life may be the way to go.
Have you ever felt like your life isn’t really where you want it to be?
Yeah, me too.
You see, I had a lofty dream to become a heart surgeon when I was 19 years old. Eleven years later and I’m blogging about self-confidence for the modern woman through every season and I’m wondering how far off the goal path I went.
I realized that my daily habits were what contributed to my lack of stability and focus in my early days of studying and without constructive structure, I do everything and nothing.
So when I started this blog I didn’t know what to do with it. I was vying for everything but was getting nothing out of it. But I’m so glad that I was able to figure a lot out along the way and my self-doubt and strong (irrational) fear of not being successful in this blog has quieted.
To say my self-confidence hasn’t sky-rocketed would be a lie.
Therefore, I wanted to tell you some daily habits that have I started to implement into my life and how they can definitely improve yours.

Table of Adventures
1 // Get more sleep
I do my best to get 8 hours of sleep.
My body does not like to run on anything less than that. By getting enough sleep my body is capable of repairing itself correctly. The benefits of a repaired body are amazing, too.
Waking up rested and ready for the day can motivate you to do a lot more than if you were groggy and sluggish. By making this the first thing you prioritize in your healthy habits journey, you can then start to implement so much more with a clear mind.
2 // Keep a journal
Whether it’s bullet journaling, keeping a diary, or doing journal prompts – keeping a journal is a great way to keep memories close to you.
It’s also a great way to track progress.
I use journals for everything: tracking my habits, meal planning (which I seldom do, but I’m trying to do more of it), to planning events and vacations. They keep everything I need in a small space where I can manage it easily.

3 // Spend less time being unproductive
And fill your time up with things that are productive instead. Giving up an hour of something mind-numbing with cleaning or learning a hobby can really take you further every day.
For me, my home gets messy pretty quickly nowadays since I work from home with my partner. So, taking some time away from watching TV and being on social media to tidy up the living room and clean our porch can make a really big difference in my mood.
If you were to learn a hobby, for example, doing one small activity that gets you to mastering a particular skill of that hobby will get you closer to the finish line faster than if you struggled to learn everything in one day.
4 // Plan out your day
By maintaining a to-do list for your day you can absolutely improve your life by getting things done every day!
It’s how I work through my blog.

Every day has a specific set of goals I need to get through in order to meet my monthly blogging goals. I try to limit it to three, but sometimes my wishes are a lot bigger than time will allow, and in those instances, I push it forward to the next day.
By doing this daily maintenance I have been able to grow in skills that I never thought possible (SEO, writing, graphics, ideation, etc) just by taking it one day at a time.
5 // Hop off the video games and exercise instead
I grew up playing Kingdom Hearts. Sort of anyway. It was the only video game that while I was timid to play, I found enjoyment in.
Recently when Kingdom Hearts 3 came out I burrowed my heart and soul into it and I wasted away so much time. And now I don’t play it as much anymore.
By giving up video games I have found more time for my business, my personal life, and recreationally in learning other skills. It has also given me time to exercise! All that time wasted sitting around playing games has now been dedicated to working out.

Yay to my new productive and healthy lifestyle!
6 // Evaluate your free time
Evaluating your free time is integral to seeing where time is being wasted. I’m not advocating that you fill up every single stretch of free time with something productive. As a matter of fact, what I’m saying is that you should examine whether or not your use of free time makes sense for you.
Are you spending enough time with your loved ones?
Are you learning how to bake that cake that you’ve been holding off on for years?
Are you taking that walk that you’ve been dying to take but find every excuse in the book not to take?
Are you taking your mental health seriously by trying to meditate, write, or get the help you need?
By evaluating what is actually important to you, you can use your free time more efficiently and possibly even more productively if that’s what you choose.
Related: 6 Productive Things to Do On Your Day Off
7 // Get up an hour early
A lot of successful people get up earlier in the day. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Millionaire Routine.
If you haven’t, in a nutshell, it’s all about starting your morning routine early by resting early. It has empowered many people who consider themselves millionaires to work better as they feel more engaged in their day and therefore get more done.

Now, getting up an hour earlier for some may be more difficult (I’m looking at parents here) than others. However, by waking up an hour earlier you’ll find that you have more time in your day to get those little things that you keep putting off – done.
So if you’re fighting for time to get into the gym, that extra hour could be your saving grace.
8 // Listen to audiobooks/podcasts instead of music for an hour a day
I’m really into music, so I get how this may feel like an attack on your sensibilities if you listen to music like it’s blood running through your veins. I get it.
However, filling up one hour a day dedicated to learning, or listening to a novel, can set up the rest of your day (or your goals) in the right direction. Here are some suggestions on personal growth podcasts.
9 // Work on a small portion of your goals
For example, this blog was started in November 2020. Now that it’s a year old, I can start working on bigger goals like making a full-time income.
The thing is that working on smaller goals that make up the larger goal is smart.

You wouldn’t go into the gym expecting to drop 100 pounds in a month. Rather you would take each day as they come, working out your legs, core, upper, and everything in between on designated days.
Goals are the same way. You take them day by day, month by month, and you work up towards the big goal so you can finally cross it off your list.
10 // Mindfulness exercises and words of affirmation for five minutes
Being aware of who you are and what you can achieve is the first step to understanding how hard you are willing to push yourself.
By incorporating mindfulness exercises and words of affirmation for five minutes daily you can set up your day to be as positive as you can stand it to be.
According to the Oxford dictionary, mindfulness is the state of being aware of the present moment while accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. However, words of affirmation, are words meant to uplift, encourage, confirm, and otherwise empathize with yourself and others.

Words of affirmation are actually considered to be a love language. While you may have another love language that speaks to you, by talking yourself up in everything you do, you’re in turn loving yourself.
So by taking out five minutes in your day to be aware of who you are, what you can accomplish, and talking positively to yourself about what you are capable of doing you may be able to achieve greater in your day.
11 // Take a morning walk
Take a refreshing walk in the morning when the air is crisp and cool, nature is starting to rouse, and the world is quiet.
According to science, taking a morning stroll can increase energy, reduce stress, lower risks associated with your heart, prevent weight gain, and lower your blood pressure. So not only is taking a walk in the morning a way to start your day off right, it has amazing benefits!
12 // Read a few pages of a novel
I struggle with reading. I have since I started going to college. When you’re reading textbooks and learning, the last thing you want to do ends up being the most beneficial thing for you.
Therefore, I advocate for reading a few pages of a novel every day. It can be an entire chapter, or it can simply be reading however many pages you can in 10 minutes and seeing how far you get.

The more you read, the more clever you become, and the more you are able to learn when it comes to building a better vocabulary. You may start to think differently about certain scenarios going forward and you’ll begin to think more critically as well.
13 // Write everything down (regardless of how small)
If you’re anything like me, you’re a bit forgetful. Writing everything down saves you a world of trouble and it keeps you more accountable.
It’s why I started my monthly blog goals in the first place – to see my progress, but also because I knew that if I didn’t write anything down I would absolutely forget what I needed to do.
Keeping a small notepad nearby or even a tabletop whiteboard to write notes on can make a difference in your productivity levels. It’s how I keep myself going most days; try it for yourself!
14 // Do something creative
You probably consider yourself to be a creative person. But have you ever sat down and tried to do something and nothing of beauty came from your brain?
Well, that’s because just like our brains, creativity is a muscle. It has to be worked on constantly in order for creativity to run freely.

The process of ideation and creation takes time, but in order to create your best, you have to be willing to work on something – anything – every day.
That could be cross-stitching, creating and editing a video, crocheting, pottery, or anything that works for you. Try different mediums, different programs, and glean information through free or paid sources, and see where your creativity takes you over time.
Related: 18 Interesting New Hobbies to Try This Fall
15 // Clean the dishes (and your kitchen) nightly before bed
Imagine walking into your kitchen and your trash is smelly, your floors are sticky, and the dishes are piled high. Now, imagine waking up and your kitchen floor is sparkling, the sink is cleared and thoroughly washed, and the counters are free of plates and food debris. Which version of your kitchen most appeals to you?
Yeah, I like the cleaned version, too.
Having a clean space is a great way to start your day as there are fewer things to trip over, be anxious about, and it’s just one less thing to worry about! Sure, it may take you 20-30 minutes to get it done, but just imagine the benefits that come with a clean kitchen (clean mugs for coffee and tea)!
I’ll take that over the dirty alternative any day.

16 // Track your daily spending
Doing this religiously can help you see what you’re actually spending your money on!
It’s amazing how many trips to Starbucks so many of us take without thinking. Or how those last-minute decision trips to Target can affect your wallet.
I improved my spending habits by tracking everything I bought and monitoring what I actually used. Eventually, I found better things to spend my money on.
It took me roughly 3 months to see patterns in my spending though, so this isn’t an overnight habit. But, I can 100% vouch for this easy habit if you’re looking for one thing to do that can drastically change your life.
17 // Say no to things that don’t serve you
I’m a huge supporter of myself. If something doesn’t serve me – I walk away from it.

It’s a hard habit to learn as it’s about reframing your brain and seeing your worth in what you offer and the value that your time is to you. If you don’t see yourself as valuable and your time as worthy, no one else will.
By saying no to things that go against your values, morals, even how you’re able to build success for yourself it can be hard, but it’s worth it when you realize that your dreams and goals are coming to fruition.
Your self-confidence is something that you can control and only you can give yourself what you need to make that happen.
By spending time to implement a few healthy habits into your life, you will see tiny changes that will bring you closer to building the life of your dreams – whatever that may be.
For me, starting lemonade + adventure was the way I knew how to do that.
For you, it may be as simple as waking up an extra hour early and taking a morning walk.
Need more personal development in your life? Sweet.
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